Lucarelli's Back on Top - 2023 Winter Champs

Rule Book

Official Softball Rules

 Official Rule Book ( Modified 5/22/18)

Game time limit Rule, Time limit rule was passed during Oct. 2013  meeting.First game starts 7pm no new inning after 1hour and twenty minutes. If game is tied we go to tie breaker rule last batted out to second base, once there, a courtesy runner can be inserted.

Second game starting time 8:30 pm,  Game can start earlier if both teams have all their players and both managers agree. Time  limit no new inning after 1 hour and twenty minutes. If game is tied, tie breaker rule goes into effect.

Playing Rules Revised 5/17/2010

1.) Playing Rules: ASA Slow Pitch Rules apply except as modified herein.

2.) Players: All eligible players on the roster must be in the batting line-up. 

3.) Team: Eleven [11] defensive players shall constitute a team. A team must have a minimum of nine [9] players at the start and finish of a game. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit. A tenth and or eleventh player may be added if he shows up for play, however, at this point he must be added to the end of the batting order.

4.) Injury: In the event of an injury to a player requiring removal from the game and no substitute player is available, the injured player?s time at bat shall be eliminated and no out shall be recorded. The team can finish with ten [10] players.

5.) Ejection: A player ejected from a game shall have an out recorded for each at bat, and no substitute is Allowed. The team can finish with ten [10] players. Any player ejected from a game will be automatically suspended from the next game. Player cannot be used as a fill in player while on suspension. If the same player is ejected a second time during the same season, player is suspended for the remainder of the season.

6.) Umpire Rulings: Managers or designee (ONLY) can discuss any controversial ruling with the umpires.

7. Courtesy Runners: May be used each inning. Any player on the roster may be used for a runner. A courtesy runner that comes to bat while on base will be out, removed from the base, and come to bat. A courtesy runner may run only once per inning.

8.) Sliding:  A player may slide or dive into 2nd or 3rd base, or when returning to any base.

9.) Commitment Line: A minimum of three [3] foot commitment line shall be marked perpendicular to the foul line twenty [20] feet from home plate. Once a runner?s foot touches the ground on or past this line, the runner may not return to 3rd base, i.e. the runner must continue on toward the scoring plate. If runner recrosses commitment line back toward 3rd base, runner is ruled out.

10.) Scoring Plate: A ten [10] foot scoring line shall extend from the corner of home plate closest to 3rd base into foul territory at a 90 degree angle to the 3rd base foul line. A foot down on or behind the scoring line shall be the same as a foot down on home plate for the purpose of scoring a run. A runner that has passed the commitment line but has not reached the scoring Plate shall be declared out if: 

a. A defensive player in possession of the ball touches any part of home plate or mat.

b. The runner passes through the batters box.

11.) Strike Zone: A strike zone mat will be used. The mat will be 17″ x 24″. A legally pitched ball hitting the plate or the mat shall be a strike.

12.) Double Bag at First Base: A double bag shall be used at first base, the double portion of the bag being in foul territory abutting first base and must be secured. If there is a play on the batter going to first base, the batter must touch the portion of the double base extending into foul territory. The batter shall be called out for failing to do so Unless it is the Umpires judgement the batter was avoiding a collision (When he touched the inside bag). The defensive player must touch the inside bag or the runner is safe.

13.) Mercy Rule: There shall be a Fifteen [15] run mercy after five [5] innings of play. And a (12) run mercy from inning six and beyond.

14.) Tie Breaker: If the game is tied after 7 innings, the last batter from the previous inning will be placed on SECOND BASE. A Courtesy Runner may be used.

15.) Metal Spikes: Metal spikes are not permitted.

16.) Player Conduct: Each player is responsible for his own conduct. No excessive cursing, bat throwing, or physical or verbal abuse by a player against another player or umpire will be tolerated. Any breach of the above could result in the offending player(s) being ejected from the game and brought before the Executive Committee.

17.) Player Responsibility: A player shall notify his manager as soon as possible if he is unable to play.

18.) Age Requirement: Players fifty [50] years of age or older are eligible to compete in league play. Players turning fifty during the current calendar year are eligible.

19.) Replacement Players:  REPLACEMENT PLAYERS MUST BE FROM THE SAME DRAFT BRACKET OR LOWER. Lower draft picks 10 & 11 can be replaced by either number in that draft position. If a player shows up late, he will be inserted into the lineup for one of the pick ups. Managers may pick up from the Subs list on this web site.

20.) Board of Directors: The Silver League Board of Directors will be comprised of the League commissioner, assistant commissioner, treasurer, and the team managers.

Problems or incidents which may arise and require immediate resolution, and are not covered by established rules of play, may be decided by a quorum of a majority of the Board with the Commissioner voting only when a deciding vote is required or is needed to make a quorum.

21.) Time Limit: The 7:00 Game  will be limited to one hour twenty minutes. At the end of that time the umpire will declare the time limit reached. The current inning will be completed if necessary.  For the 8:30 game there is also a one hour and twenty minute time limit.

22.)  A ONE and ONE count will be used. There will be NO courtesy foul.

23.) A Player hitting a HR is not required to touch the bases. But may do so if he wishes. A Player receiving a WALK and using a courtesy runner, is NOT required to touch first base. The courtesy runner may go to the base and the hitter return to the dugout . A Ball hit out of the ballpark is considered a HOMERUN and Dead-Ball when it lands. The hitter and any baserunners are to be considered to have scored without running the bases.

24.) All legal bats (Non -doctored) including senior bats are acceptable for league play.

25.) A Pitcher MUST use the pitching screen .  If a screen is in use, the pitcher must go behind the screen after releasing the ball. Any ball that is batted into the screen is a Strike. The pitcher may move in front of the screen to make a play on a slow moving ground ball. Sceen Placement: The screen should be place 4 feet in front of the pitching rubber. The screen must also cover at least 50% of the entire pitching rubber.( It may not be place to the side of the rubber.) The Pitcher’s foot must be in contact with the rubber and present the ball before the release of the pitch: or the Umpire shall rule that pitch “a Ball”.                                                                          

When the lights go out due to county time limit (10:30) or for lights out due to malfunction as well as for RAIN: IF the game is tied and the home team has NOT batted, the game reverts back to  the previous completed inning.The team that was winning at that time will be declared the winner. If the game is tied it will be recorded as a TIE.

IF the lights go out due to malfunction and the game has played the minimum five innings, the team that is ahead at that time will be declared the winner.

Any game that has not completed the required five innings when the lights go out, will be replayed. (Same as a rain out).

Forfeiture Rule: This rule only applies to the first game at 7pm.

Teams that do not have all of their players ready or are not available to start at 7pm will be given 5 additional minutes to find or replace missing players with players of the same or lower rating of missing player/s to start game at scheduled time. Game will be Forfeit if not started within stated time by Umpire.

Note: Teams can start and play with a minimum of 9 players.

Managers can add their 10th and or 11th player to the batting order after game has started. All late players added to batting order must be placed in the last spot of their batting order.

Teams that forfeit can still play game if they choose but game will be counted as loss because of forfeiture.

It shall be the policy of the Wednesday night recreational Softball League that the draft shall be an open draft based upon the playing skills of the player. There will be no restrictions regarding playing position, or draft position, granted to or for any player entered in the draft.  Rating for managers and playing sponsors, will be by made by the current Commissioner (with appeals up for discussion and vote).

Players should inform managers in advance of the draft of any extenuating circumstance relative to being drafted, but that preference shall not be considered a restriction to their play or draft positioning.

If a Manager cannot come to agreement with drafted player to play the assigned or alternate position the manager can trade with another team.

All new players entering the league will be rated on their skill level. Rating of player will be by managers, sponsors, and or players that actively play Wednesday night Softball. The rating of the player should be a fair and honest assessment of their skill level.

The rating of new players will be given to the Commissioner and then added to the substitution list.  All new players and or returning players entering the league after a season starts will be given either a temporary or permanent draft rating.            

We will be using a plate instead of the line at home. Player must touch plate to score. Second game starting time is 8:30, Exception can be made if both teams have all their players, and managers agree, game can start early.                      


Added (5/22/18): If a Team elects to protest (an interpretation of the rules stated here), they must announce to the Umpire their intent to protest: The Umpire must record all particulars of the game at that point. The protest will be reviewed then a ruling will be made.